Swarovski crystals
We use standard high quality Swarovski crystals for decorating , that´s why we can put their logo on our products. Files decorated with this technique gain attractiveness and become very elegant gift or accessory.
...nová kvalita pre Vaše nechty
IOP-plus s.r.o
Billing information:
IOP-plus, s.r.o.
Fučíkova 619/9
987 01 Poltár SLOVAKIA
IČO: 36799360
IČ DPH: SK2022409543
Bank: Slovenská Sporitelňa a.s.
Account No: 5045188695/0900
Shop: Dobšinského 9,
98505 Kokava nad Rimavicou
GPS: 48.56625,19.842634
+421 944 076386;
+421 917 579889